Entries by amadeus


BACH➠DONATONI su Brescia Oggi

Francini osa il balzo lungo i secoli: E’ una accostamento senza dubbio ardito, quello proposto dal violoncellista Jacopo Francini in questa sua recentissima incisione realizzata con la copia “Maggini” di Mario brunetto, uno strumento costruito dal liutaio bresciano Filippo Fasser. Si parte dalla celebre Suite di Bach […] Strepitoso il finale di incisione con la […]

Jacopo Francini: BACH➠DONATONI

“Anche se immensamente distanti storicamente e come linguaggio, secondo me si può trovare un’affinità fra due grandi compositori come Bach e Donatoni, per la loro grande padronanza e maestria di usare e trasformare un materiale musicale in un procedimento costruttivo di elaborazione.” Jacopo Francini Jacopo Francini si presenta con Bach➠Donatoni: un’interessante registrazione per violoncello solista in cui sono […]

Give a try…

Audio samples from Contaminazioni CD by Gianluca Campagnolo http://www.allmusic.com/album/release/contaminazioni-mr0004094029    


Dozen of great reviews on Glass recording

Sound+Vision (Spanish) No fundo, Metamorphosis & Other Works mostra-nos que há sempre espaço para novos pontos de vista. O que, sobretudo a um espírito aberto e dialogante como é o de Philip Glass, só pode mesmo agradar. MusicaProgetto News Spettacolo Nel disco, Metamorphosis è stata abbinata al suggestivo Opening (estratto da Glasswork, del 1981), ai tre […]


Again ★★★★

Album review on The independent ★★★★ Floraleda Sacchi’s harp lends itself particularly well to the minimalist logic of Philip Glass’s progressions on this anthology of transpositions, never better than on the “Opening” from Glassworks, where the bass pulse beds beautifully among the mirroring figures of the theme. The centrepiece is “Metamorphosis” itself, a five-part suite […]


“Transcriptions for Clarinet Choir” Review

The Orchestra Mediterranea di Clarinetti is a very fine clarinet choir and, with their director, Gianluca Campagnolo, they have made several recordings of this type. Like any ensemble with very similar timbres, this is a bit of a niche attraction and the performances have to be very good. This group is, indeed, very good and these arrangements […]


More great reviews on John Cage!

The harp of Floraleda Sacchi it’s an embodiment of the humility, assuredness and perception of Cage’s own musicology. Each of the works here is meticulously performed; performed with superb expression and involvement. Each does the essence of that musicology of Cage’s proud. Sacchi balances the inner confidence and light with the purely acoustic essence which […]


★★★★ for Cage – The Independent

“There’s something about the Zen-garden aspect of John Cage’s music that lends itself particularly well to these interpretations by the Italian harpist Floraleda Sacchi. The instrument is especially effective in the more obviously “beautiful” pieces such as “Dream” and “In a Landscape”, where the undulating, intertwining figures have the same serene intensity as on piano, […]

7. Metamorphosis

Modern Love Waltz from METAMORPHOSIS album by Amadeus Arte. Music by Philip Glass.


A great interpretation of Piazzolla’s Oblivion by Gianluca Campagnolo. Available on C-K by Amadeus Arte.